Wet floor in shed

18 Jan 2023
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United Kingdom
Hi I have a problem with my shed it seems to leak in all 4 corners it’s on dpc I put corner beads on to deter water from sucking in end grain and a metal roof with flashings etc roof is dry it’s the ground seems to be coming in from corners can it be driving down edge of bead getting in that way any
As it's only around the edges of the floor that are wet, is it possible that the wall cladding doesn't extend below the floor enough to protect the edges from dripping water?

How has the DPC been installed? If it's been laid at ground level it might be collecting water and prevent it soaking away. In which case timbers siting on it will absorb the water and soak it through to the floor above.
I gained a lot of advice here quite a long time ago regarding sheds, and it seems that the best way is to have the bottom of the wooden walls lifted up from the surrounding ground by a higher concrete base or a layer of bricks that measures the same as the size of the shed footprint.

And to have the outside cladding not too near the ground, but overlapping the higher base.
Lack of drip off means capillary rise occurs, and you get the problems you have posted.

I personally prefer to have a concrete shed floor as it doesn't rot, and you can drag anything you like across it.

For example see below, although it should have probably been higher!
But 18 years on it's still going strong with a biennial coating of preservative.

All great suggestions guys will definitely take that on board .I have dpc on floor but wrapped the floor timber .i think it was driving rain getting into the edge beads through the profile of cladding .as i siliconed up and stopped the water so it seems