What can I actually do myself in a Scottish flat?

2 Mar 2018
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

I'm having a bit of difficulty trying to work out what electrical work I am permitted to do myself in my Scottish flat as most information I can find online relates to England or regular houses. I keep coming across this PDF online which seems to state that I can do very little outside of replacing existing fixtures: http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0043/00431055.pdf

I looked up the actual building regulations that the document above refers to here but I'm struggling to make sense of it and tie it up with a lot of the points mentioned in the PDF: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2004/406/schedule/3/made. It just seems a bit bonkers that according to that PDF I can fit a new shower which could go up to 10.5kW but not add a simple socket myself!

For a couple of examples of things I'd be looking to do (and would rather avoid an electrician since the jobs seem so simple, no issues with getting a sparky in for something more serious!)
  • Replacing a couple of ceiling pendant lights in the hallway with some recessed downlights.
  • Replacing the electric hob with an induction one - There's currently just a bit of T&E coming out the wall and is wired directly into the bottom of the existing hob.
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Own it thankfully, already done a tonne of low voltage wiring throughout.
There is no restriction on what you can or cannot do yourself in Scotland. Some works should have a building warrant in place. In reality nobody actually obtains a building warrant for adding a socket or 2.
In reality nobody actually obtains a building warrant for adding a socket or 2.
That's what I was scared the case would be. Does this apply to electricians too (in that they tend not to bother getting warrants?) Is there any way I can check to see if warrants were applied for for electrical work done before I bought the flat? Don't want to do the work myself without a warrant and later run into issues because of it but also don't want to get an electrician in and find they don't bother getting a warrant and I've spent money for nothing! :P
If you get an electrician not only will they do the work, they will be able to test their installation and do the work in accordance with the regs, so it won't be 'money for nothing'. The responsibility for obtaining a warrant lies with you, not a contractor you employ to work in your property. I've never heard of a sale being delayed due to lack of previous building warrant for electrical work (happens often for other things like changing layout though).
Ahh, so strictly speaking if I were to get an electrician in and do it all completely above board I'd have to submit and get the warrant myself? If I were to just call up an electrician and ask them to install a socket they would do the work but nothing related to the warrant? Presume it's therefore common, even with an electrician for the work to end up getting done without a warrant when people call up for them to do minor work?