4 Mar 2007
Reaction score
United Kingdom
cant see the point in this forum TRADE TALK, their is already a list of trade forums.
I remember when i first joined their was no general discussion forum only a few trade forums but i think you could do better that TALK TRADE, What about talk sport or talk boll...acks
This forum was setup in response to the recent request for suggestions.

Obviously if after a time this section isn't successful, we'll get rid of it.
bob you joined in march 07. and the wiki is a very valuable tool. why should it go? justify your statements. If i were admin i would have deleted your rantings / talking to yourself.
All of the specific "trade" sections are for DIYers to ask questions relevant to the section really so they're not so much "trade" forums, more forums for DIYers to get information and advice specific to their problem.

I guess Trade Talk is for those in the trade in general who want to discuss generic trade issues. Kinda like General Discussions though.

Not sure if it'll get busy in here bu I think it's a good idea to try it out.


corgiman said:
Crafty said:
bob you joined in march 07. .

mr DOLE has been honking around in various guises for a lot longer than that crafty

I know! Just trying to provoke a reaction lol. Anyway I see he's moved onto hampsters today :lol:
Crafty said:
corgiman said:
Crafty said:
bob you joined in march 07. .

mr DOLE has been honking around in various guises for a lot longer than that crafty

I know! Just trying to provoke a reaction lol. Anyway I see he's moved onto hampsters today :lol:

blimey charlie if thats all you wanna do just say Hello Bob that usually does it

:lol: :lol: :lol:
corgiman said:
mr DOLE has been honking around in various guises for a lot longer than that crafty
"Honking" being the operative term :wink:

Crafty said:
Anyway I see he's moved onto hampsters today :lol:
Lord help the hampsters, I say.....
there are quite a few trade people asking questions in the forum which is a diy forum, with this section trade people can benefit from a little advice and the diyers can stick to the diy section, oh and get off ya high horse :wink: