When to start cutting the grass

15 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
I know this may sound like a daft question but i have never had a lawn before. When is the best time to start cutting it ? or can i start now ?
i live in Yorkshire

Depends if you want a lawn, or like me, want to get rid of it !!
If the grass is dry enough in a couple of weeks, set your mower on its highest cut and start at that point. As it warms up you can slowly drop the blades to a nice 1/2" swathe, sprinkle lawn sand (if you have moss) and growmore to feed it. Aerate it with a fork (poke holes in it), rake it with a lawn rake every other month and cut twice a week when it really starts growing and watch your neighbours go green with envy
I mowed my lawn a couple of weeks ago, as long as its mild weather and dry its ok. I think I mowed it in November for the last time last year!! Its pretty difficult to kill a lawn!!
A sheep seems a much better option than a dog but can they fetch a ball!!??
If the dog killed it with wee you are supposed to water the area copiously to stop the scorching, so it sounds like you will be following it round with a watering can! A better idea though is to tie the hose pipe to the dogs tail :lol:
I live in Yorkshire too, most difficult bit is finding a dry day to do it! managed to last sunday, start high, and gradually reduce the height to about 1/2 inch.
Any time around now is fine.
Dafodils seems to come up a lot later up here than when i lived down in London!