Win 7 Service Pack...

7 May 2011
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United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me if there's a way to stop windows downloading the updates, and just go straight to service pack 1????
it is a mess on having to install endless little updates, restarting etc.. upteen times before getting the service pack on.

or, do I understand this wrong, are the littel updates included in the Service Pack?
Why are you suddenly having to install "Endless updates" before you install SP1?
Don't you update your OS every second Tuesday of the month when MS issue the bulk of their updates. If you did, you would find that there is very little in SP1 that would need installing.

You can go to Updates ~ then untick all the "endless updates" and just tick SP1 and install it but because you have so much missing from the updates, it may take ages to install anyway.
It's a new laptop I was setting up for a friend.
Windows needed installing and needed to catch up to all the updates, before getting sp1 on.

Only problem is it was taking ages to get to sp1. After installing that and all the software (btw, which took hours) he wanted on it, he insisted I couldn't have a login for myself on his laptop. so his being the sole admin. account, guesswhat happened when he changed his password!!!!

So it's all back to the ***ing beginning installing Windows 7, and everything else again!! . If he does it again he can take the **** to PC world!
You can clear the password without having to reinstall the whole OS, y'know.