Windows Home Server

14 Aug 2008
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United Kingdom
I am just wonderingif anyone uses windows home server, if so what do you think of it, heard mix reviews about it.

I have used it. Can't really comment on whether or not it'd suit you unless you let me know what you want to do with it.

I personally did not like it for a few reasons:

1. Wasn't an email server - I wanted to host my own mail server. It's perfectly straight forward to do this on WHS but it's not a built in feature.

2. Can't share a NAS drive. I have all my files/music etc on a NAS drive on my network. I want to keep it that way, however I wanted to be able to share this as well, via WHS. Couldn't be done.

3. To get the most out of it, you need to (if I remember correctly) set up user accounts and then use those instead of the ones currently set up. I didn't really try this as the first 2 points made me stop.

Hope that helps somewhat.
Totally depends what you want to do with it to be honest, I tried using it and it didn't work out for me.

In the end for fileseving duties (connected to 3 different media players) I ended up going with Freenas, which is a linux based (free) operating system that is relatively easy to configure and use via the web-interface.

The bonus is that it will run on any old computer you have, just fill it full of drives and away you go !!