the bad news is they are becoming more popular.
what the sales person will tell you
no ugly wires, easy to use, installed in a few hours easliy extendable, sign here.
what the sales person didn't tell you.
Sales person is just that, a sales person, he gets more commison on a radio alarm
You don't see any wires on a well installed wired alarm (99% of the time) except at the panel which is usualy under the stairs
does take longer to install becuse there is more of it.
its not affected by your local taxi co radio (wireless alarms can be)
if there is a problem you can follow the cable, you cant see anything with radio
it does not need all its batteries changing at the same time (well they dont work my magic)
If its a diy radio alarm you dont have to spend a fortune on copper colour top batteries every year
engineers will not turn up and say "how does this work"
engineers should have the one battery your wired alarm needs