Your keyboard

23 Nov 2003
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Just imagine what is on your keyboard, down inbetween the keys and that.
turn it upside down and'll probably find a whole meal in there.. :lol:
i got a black keyboard . . . . you would think much wouldnt show up very well . . . but its amazing how dusty it gets. And you can still see the c**p down the sides of the keys . . .
i have a black keyboard and the top off all the keys are black, but down the sides is just full of dust. there are loads of food crumbs and hairs etc under the keys tho
andy said:
i have a black keyboard and the top off all the keys are black, but down the sides is just full of dust. there are loads of food crumbs and hairs etc under the keys tho
Ditto! And it's not like I don't try to clean it, it's just impossible! I turn it upside down from time to time and shake out the worst, then hoover it, but it still looks a bit manky at the bottom of the key-edges. I suppose I could try a cotton bud, but I'll probably just get a new keyboard... :oops: