
  1. N

    Replacing patio

    My patio has seen better days and it looks like a good time to replace it. When it comes to replacing patio, is it ok to leave the existing hardcore and put down a new full bed of mortar for laying the new slabs? Or is it necessary for this all to be replaced as well? If it helps, the patio is...
  2. M

    How can i achieve this mortar colour?

    Hi guys, I have just installed brick slips in my home and I am looking for the right mortar mix/ratio between sand, lime, cement/ White cement and water (or pigment colour) to achieve the desired colour below please, in addition to achieving strongly bonded mortar. Below is the colour, its a...
  3. M

    How can i achieve this mortar mix colour?

    Hi guys, I have just installed brick slips in my home and I am looking for the right mortar mix/ratio between sand, lime, cement/ White cement and water (or pigment colour) to achieve the desired colour below please, in addition to achieving strongly bonded mortar. Below is the colour, its a...
  4. M

    How can i acheive this mortar mix colour please.

    Hi guys, I have just installed brick slips in my home and I am looking for the right mortar mix/ratio between sand, lime, cement/ White cement and water (or pigment colour) to achieve the desired colour below please, in addition to achieving strongly bonded mortar. Below is the colour, its a...
  5. B

    Sealing holes?

    Hello one and all, I’m doing a bit of work in my garage and need a bit of help. I’m putting some stud walls in there but before I do that I want to seal any little holes on the inside and outside. The building is mid 70’s built so naturally bits and bobs are eroding here and there. I’ll put...
  6. Halfaudio

    Composite doors/prices/quality and brick work.

    Hi. I would like to hear your experience about one particular company and what i learned from my research and i need a better understanding how to match mortar from 1929 with 2019 cr*p We had good look around and decided to go with safestyle uk composite modern doors and side window fully...
  7. M

    Repointing old bricks, not sure what mortar to use and how deep.

    I've got to some brickwork repairs to an outbuilding, it's quite old around 120 years+ The pointing is on the inside, as it's pebble-dashed, some of the current mortar I've scrapped back 25mm from the brick face. The bricks are the old slim type hand-made jobs. The mortar looks to be lime...
  8. GoodOne

    Indian Sandstone patio, with or without..

    Hiya, I would like to lay an Indian Sandstone patio on my garden. I seen some patios that were lay without mortar/cement. What is better? With or without? And what the advantages and disadvantages? Really appreciate some advise from those who experience. Thanks,
  9. M

    Mortar washed out from between the bricks?

    Hi, I have recently lowered the ground level at the front of the property and discovered that the 'mortar has been washed out' over the years? Or has it? Are there supposed to be gaps or should I fill them? Would normal mortar mix be OK to do it? Thank you in advance.
  10. M

    Cracks around window, lintel and through mortar

    Hello, Firstly, apologies if what I say doesn't make sense, I am a complete DIY noob. I've noticed some cracks around my south facing windows, it's lintel and up through some mortar. I believe the lintel to be safe, but had a few sleepless nights worrying about these cracks! I've attached...
  11. M

    Removing surface mortar from brick wall

    We just had a new window fitted and it wasn't until a few days after I'd paid the fitter that I noticed that he's wiped his excess mortar on the brick wall alongside and below the window...looks pretty awful from the back garden, just wish I'd noticed it sooner! So I want to know if there is...
  12. S

    Natural Cotswold Stone wall and mortar advice please!

    Hi, I'm a novice building a small natural stone (Cotswold) wall with recessed seating – c. 4m long wall, double skin. I have about 200 stones, various shapes, sizes. My plan is to do footing, then get cracking. My questions are: 1.Which mortar do I use? I want it to be light coloured to...
  13. S

    Mortar Mix

    Hi, Architect has specified that full fill cavity walls should be built with 1:1:6 cement mortar; just wanted to confirm what that means? is that 1 Lime : 1 Cement : 6 Sand? I will be planning on using BlueCircle Mastercrete Cement - do I still need to get the lime added? Is there any...
  14. acurachris

    Mortar thickness for first course

    Hi I've seen posts on this before but slightly different thickness of mortar! I need four courses to my block and beams from the foundation bottom. The foundation is pretty level although it's higher in one corner by about 20mm. The foundation is 310mm down from my finished B&B level at the...
  15. A

    Tile Adhesive for Shower Base?

    Hello,I owuld appreciate some advice on using tile adhesive for a shower base. The base is to go onto a raised platform of which the top level is backer board (see photo). I've tried using a standard mortar but have had a bit of a mare, so the base had to come up again. One tradesman suggested...
  16. G

    Do I need to fix this properly?

    When I moved house 2 years ago, I wanted to wire a couple of rooms up with ethernet. One of the rooms was my man cave, which is part of an extension that was done long before I moved. I decided I would need to run the cables through the attic to the man cave, but there was a problem; the brick...
  17. W

    Levelling hearth - what to use?

    Hi there, I'm trying to fit an old cast iron fireplace in my Victorian house. So far, I have replaced the builder's arch with a concrete lintel (the floor level is apparently a few inches higher now than when the house was built, so I needed a few extra inches for the insert. I've also removed...
  18. L

    Mortar holes + bees = bad combination

    Long story short - last year, bees took up residence in my nice sunny south-facing wall, right next to my bedroom. Noisy things they were too, but just had to wait for the little blighters to go (didn't even leave me any honey to say thanks). I need to get something done about it before they...
  19. Makingtime

    Repair to red sandstone fireplace

    I have uncovered a large red sandstone fireplace (about 2 meters wide and a meter deep). It had been infilled with a large amount of bricks and cement. The stones at the back of the hearth are in very poor condition and in places have brushed away completely, exposing the concrete harl on the...
  20. M

    Mortar asbestos risk?

    Hello everyone, I am planning to start using an old fireplace and I am a little worried that the mortar lining around the chimney and on the back wall could contain asbestos. It is fairly brittle and it didn't take very much for a piece of the lining to come off unintentionally when I was...