That number is the task time running temperature of the primary dude if the boiler. Not the hot water (the secondary side)
Not sure I follow - hard to work out from your comment if there is a typo in there somewhere or it's in a language I clearly don't understand.
Are you stating that the digital read out on the boiler is not showing the flow temp of the tap water, but rather the heat within the boiler?
There are two dials on the boiler, one for CH and one for DHW. If I adjust the CH dial, it alters the max temp that is shown on the display when the central heating is running.
When I turn off the CH and just run the Hot Tap, the displayed temperature is directly affected by adjusting the DHW - only it's about 10-12 degrees out from it's setting to that shown on the display.
In another property, we had a Baxi Duo Tech 28 with the same dials and the display correctly displayed the temp that the dials were set at when running.
I haven't measured properly but when the dial is set to 45ish and the display shows 55 under load, I can just bare my hand under the tap. When I set the dial to 55 and the display shows 67 under load I cannot keep my hand under the tap which is what makes me think the dial is actually correct.
Are you sure I'm reading it wrong? If so, could you explain further please?