That sort of confusion can get people killed.He's got that 1969 Readers Digest DIY manual and got confused by ring main wiring and thought he needed a 32a mcb
My first question, as with lots of DIYers who seem unable to do anything without one, is "Why has he used a junction box?"
How do you tell him, without upsetting him ?
I didn't know you had dyslexia.I'd like to have sex tonight. Which JB do I need?
Silly, you need a female socket - even if gay.I'd like to have sex tonight. Which JB do I need?
How do you tell him, without upsetting him ?
Never mind that, give him a swift sharp kick in the rowlocks and tell him never to pull that 5 H 1 T in someone elses house again. What was he thinking?
If that is a gas pipe, the cable needs rerouting so it is at least 25mm away to avoid contact.