My dead ex-wife decided on the name, and it stuck. She named one, I named the other - they were brother & sister found abandoned & dying in a phone box in Manchester. We chose them because they were the liveliest beasts in the place (even half-dead!!). Only wanted one, but didn't want to split them up. His sister PK (Pussy Kat) was black & white but sadly got squished by a motor outside our house a couple of years ago.
There's another story.
Knew who it was, another guy on the estate. He didn't stop. I know cats will be cats and they are only semi-domesticated and as such they take their chances like other wild animals, but he was speeding big time, and I wanted to make a point.
So I went round to see him. He couldn't give a stuff, basically, until I pointed out to him that that could have been HIS son (his wife & kids were crossing the road nearby at the time), and because he was speeding, he would have been able to nothing to avoid the accident (as he had with PK).
That was food for thought for him. When I see him now, he travels sedately round the estate!
My missus thinks I'm looking for a fight, trying to educate people about speed, but I've not been clobbered yet, and always try to go about it in a non-confrontational way, if you know what I mean.
Stop press: Oh dear. They've edited out P U S S Y.