buying small parcel of Land from the council.

You should've just fenced it off
the 2m by 12m I am trying to buy (to add it to my existing land) is full of rubbish and hard core. It is nearly 2.2m high. Hence, i need to clear/clean before I can fence it off. 16 tons of Grab tipper costs £350 per load. It will cost me no less than 4k and for this reason I need to make sure I own the land before I invest.
What is the club?

Do they currently have or need vehicular access?

It's possible that the pile of rubble is left there intentionally to prevent 'caravan people' from accessing the land behind it.
When did you buy the house? Do you have a copy of the original site plans? Such are usually with the (paper) deeds; if you don't ask your mortgage company or transacting solicitor. The Land Registry is unlikely to hold that much info; it will show the (very basic, rough) boundaries, you may be pleasantly surprised or you may be unpleasantly surprised. If fact if you don't have a copy of your deeds it may be worthwhile obtaining a copy.

The site plans come in several forms one of which will show road layout and any proposed changes. Those are unlikely to be available from the Land Registry and if the solicitor or your mortgage company doesn't have them then ask your neighbours, someone may have a copy.
Developers do this all the time - hang on to a piece of land at the end of an estate road between the road and the site boundary. It's so they always have the option of opening it up in the future. I very much doubt they will sell it to you
A quick search found this >>that small parcel of land of yours already has a restriction, it's supposed to be 3 parking bays as a condition of your extension planning.
Taken from your application.

3. The 3 parking spaces indicated on the submitted plans shall be laid out prior to the
occupation of the development hereby permitted and that area shall not thereafter be used
for any other purpose.
Reason: To enable vehicles to draw off and park clear of the highway to minimise danger,
obstruction and inconvenience to users of the adjoining highway.