Buying tools cheaper in america or another country??

We're not going to see eye to eye, especially as you seem incapable of responding rationally to any point that I've made, so I suggest we just leave it there, but rest assured I shan't be worrying.

Over to you for the final pointless and unintelligent insult.
righto :D
EVERYTHING Ive posted in this thread is perfectly appropriate, just and coherent. Ive corrected every silly naive misconception you have put forward - deal with it or come up with a real reply thats is on topic and not a pop at me cos I'm right and your unaware :idea:
Deluks said:
He got about a grands worth of new PC parts for less than half the price.
If he didn't declare those goods upon return then he's a criminal, possibly a premeditated one.

It amazes me that people don't realise that the government, on behalf of all of us, has to collect tax income from somewhere, so your friend is only cheating himself. He's also cheating me, so I'd quite like to give him a piece of my mind.

True, but taxation is adjusted for a percentage of non-payment. Of course it would be great if everyone was honest and paid everything they were supposed to as overall taxation would be reduced, but this is never going to happen. In the grand scheme of things, a few people not paying import duty on one off purchases is far from a major problem. What bothers me more is a) people who don't pay any tax, and b) those who work less hours than they are able to in order to claim state benefits.

I understand what your both saying but..

Surely your honestly not implying that if everyone in this country paid their dues the rate of tax would be any less?...they roll out this one when they talk about car tax and the t.v licences..thus trying to give the impression that the honest ones among us are compensating for the dishonest...I really dont beleive it...sure the country would benefit and im all for it and of course if we all knocked the tax man/customs the country would be in serious trouble...but I dont hold with the governments view on this.

People who dont pay any tax...they get caught in the end, they annoy me big time..I have to pay it...everyone has to pay it, as for working less hours, I blame the system for making it too easy for them

One mob who really annoy me are parents who stop there kids getting into training on apprenticeships pureley and soley because it affects their benefit

A case of you cant have a job I wont have any money for me bingo, fags and 30 quid a month mobile phone 'habit'

Perhaps the solution is to do what they do in income tax..just a state tax on goods

Any political party in office would be insane not to cut taxes when possible. If there was a way to ensure we all paid and then cut the overall rate it would almost guarantee re-election. Unless they decided to spend the extra trying to invade Iran or something of course. :shock:

I think I know what you mean though, there are such big deficits in vital parts of our society that any extra would already be accounted for. Still, that is essentially the same thing - as you would be paying the same amount of tax for more/better services.
Ive always bought my tools in the uk, and if possible from my local tool supplier - simbles in watford. If you count the cost of everything and weigh in the inconvenience of international mailorder, currency exchange, taxman, buying different chargers, having no warranty and no practical comeback, its a close call. Personaly, I buy tools when tools break so would lose far more in downtime than I'd save on the price of the new tool.
Also, if you realy shop around, you can get incredible deals here too...I'm a regular at my local Jewson...held an account for years so the manager always gives me a discount on any big tools I want...about 5 years ago I got a 24v dewalt kit (combi drill and circsaw) for about £400 when the going rate was £600 - because I'm a good customer week in week outdated concept maybe.
Moderator 4 said:
this thread is not about the whys and wherefores of the tax system...
That's priceless. How can the fact that imported tools are more expensive in the UK be separated from the subject of taxation?
The fact that tools are cheaper has less to do with tax and more to do with manufacturers regional pricing policy - which works a bit like - "them rich english will pay £500 for this $500 drill - so thats what we'll charge them"
Moderator 4 said:
this thread is not about the whys and wherefores of the tax system...
That's priceless. How can the fact that imported tools are more expensive in the UK be separated from the subject of taxation?

Beats me... :roll: ... the two things are directly related, taxation (or lack of it) is directly linked for all sorts of reasons.

I was going to add about the morals aspect of why people want to get away with it possibly because of the rip off prices we are paying here...but I wont bother now.
Ive always bought my tools in the uk, and if possible from my local tool supplier - simbles in watford.

is it still in was it queens rd? and do they still have all those boards by the counter with tools on?

Got my first two makitas from them
Yeah :wink: - theyve entered the age of the computer also...

Luton man eh? ~I used to live in Hightown at one time, Biscot road another time, redgrave gardens before that :wink:
I started this thread, and I never asked if the topic was morally or politically correct. So if you want to be a do-good-er go talk about it elsewhere :wink:

Back to the topic. Of the back of thermo's recommendations i've found a few site's that ship tools from america. After some research it definately seems that purchasing tools from america via ebay is the cheapest and most conveinient option availiable to me.

Just to give you guy's one example of how much i'm looking at saving; The Dewalt 36V combo kit comprising combi drill, reciprocating saw, circular saw, flashlight, two batteries and a charger, costs £1100, in screwfix, from america including P&P I can get the same thing for around £420. At that price I would'nt care if I had to pay some taxes, i'd probably still save £600 :shock: and that's legally and morally correct and everything :lol:

Also, I already have a transformer, so i've only got to spend a few quid swaping the plug on the charger over from a two pin to a three pin.

When I've got enough money i'm gonna get the whole 36V Dewalt range. I could potentially save £2000 by importing from america!!! that makes me very happy :D
Recently come home from a trip to Canada, I purchased a lot of tools over there, cordless and hand tools.
Shipping is costing me a fair bit but still a damn sight cheaper than over here.

Are we sure it was the Romans who invented tax and not the British Government :shock: :wink:
I'm waiting for a delivery from USA and paid $49.99 + $33.20 for postage (approx £41) it's about shoe box size parcel, am'I expecting to pay anything on top of this?

First time I've done this and the reason for buying from USA, the item is not available in the UK :evil:
The item arrived this morning :D and the postman left the note for me to collect the parcel, it was £4.28 VAT and £8 for royal mail international handling fee.