Changeover switching for Economy 7 immersion element

That will not work. That is an on/off switch that turns on and off the line and neutral connections. That is what double pole means.
to do what you want, you need a DOUBLE POLE , CHANGEOVER switch.

This is the connections for the M2 Gridswitch

Good thing I didn't rely on that: entirely mis-described, just a standard intermediate switch not double pole 2 way at all . Luckily the Horstmann is a better bet anyway.
Is this one of those things the U.S. and U.K. have different words for ? Mind you I relied on the CEF U.K. site to get it right.
This one says it is double pole 2-way but we cannot tell if it actually is from the picture.


If this is the back of it

then it is not.

This is an on/on Double Pole Polarity reversing switch.
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I have mentioned this to CEF and, after first saying they were right as they got the information from the manufacturer, they have talked to the manufacturer and both CEF and M2 are now correcting their information.