Problem is with you blinkered left wing rabib extremists you don't have any contact with reality
The hospital where the misses works in can't get people on UC or tax credits to do more hours as it simply isn't worth it. Some of them only work 16 hours per week.
This is a very good real example of why social mobility has stalled as low pay + UC or TC = low income. If they were allowed to keep 100% of some extra hours the would benefit but the system penalises them.
@Notch7 whats your solution then? I'm ALL ears (or eyes).
You continually MOAN but NEVER offer any solutions other than tax the rich ........... but never say how you might achieve this AND retain the tax in the UK.
Prepare for higher tax and NI under Labour (or more cuts) , and the Liberals and Conservatives are no different.
And prepare to be hugely disappointed too after the next election.