Sorry.....silver collar? Do you mean the banjo fixing at the left end of the ebay picture?
I don’t think that’s relevant to your system as it usually goes onto the fuel filter.
yeh, I’m not too technical so I guess it’s a banjo connection. I’d not take the hoses off the new bracket as they look tight on so I’d just look at replacing this as a whole if that makes sense.. so, hose on by jubilee clip and then the banjo clip onto the filter? If that makes sense? Or am I a mile off?
Yes, the item you have circled is a banjo connection, used in high pressure installations for fuel and brake applications. A bolt with cross drillings allows the liquid to access the filter or fuel pump - whichever your system has.
I would recommend the exact replacement part though as they don’t take well to being modified!
You’ve helped massively John, thankyou!! I’m just trying to find one online but there’s so much choice. Do you know where the part number on this would be at all?? Ours is a 2019 2.2 Euro 6 engine and I don’t seem to be able to fine a Euro 6 pipe.
Truthfully I think your Euro 6 is a bit new for pattern parts to be appearing on ebay so a main dealer may be the way to least you'll get the right bit!
I have gambled with this sort of thing a few times, and have been bitten too - but you'll need to have the entire bit in front of you to give yourself a fighting chance.
Be lucky!