Fitting a new light

Doesn't the lamp come with a terminal block included in its own ceiling rose, as indicated by EFLImpudence?
No, seems I need to purchase it myself. Any idea on what the amp I need?
  1. CD_2c.png
    The seller does not appear to have English as his first language. What's the betting he's Chinese?
  2. CD_2c.png
    He says the light is double insulated - it really doesn't look it, but it does only use 2-core flex. Your light uses 3-core. Does it have the double insulated symbol anywhere on it, or say Class II?
  3. CD_2c.png
    One review says "Looks pretty but arrives as three separate light wires and an underwired rose - you need to work out how to get them together. No connections, or even connector blocks under the copper rose", which matches your experience. With a manufacturer that determined to save every last fen, you might like to think how far you want to trust your life to the underlying safety of his products.
  4. CD_2c.png
    Talking of which - he says "Comply with UK satety standard" (sic). Does it lay claim to any specific standard(s)? Is it CE marked?
Ignore BanAllSheds. He's never happy unless the lamp is encased in six inches of Lucite and comes with a government-approved health and safety officer who monitors it 24 hours a day, with a fire extinguisher and panic button on hand.

At the end of the day, it's just a metal circle and three cables with light bulbs on the end. Wire it up, enjoy.
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It is an illegal import.

It is made by someone who incorporates lying about safety into his business practices.

It is made by someone who will do anything he possibly can to scrimp on quality if it will save him money.

Bin it.

Ignore BanAllSheds. He's never happy unless the lamp is encased in six inches of Lucite and comes with a government-approved health and safety officer who monitors it 24 hours a day, with a fire extinguisher and panic button on hand.
You really are a disgusting, pathetic, ignorant and dangerous little ****.