
No the real life incident which was in the newspapers a while back but i can't remeber when, the guy got away with it for some time before he was caught.
Harold Shipman worked across the road from another practice where two of my customers were GP's.

Fred (as he used to be known) always popped in because he had to get death paperwork counter-signed by another quack.

This is deadly serious - "Christ, Fred" they used to say, "what are you doing, bumping them off?"

And he would smile, get the sig, and wander back to his surgery, where several of his patients met their deaths.

Paper Mask here, BTW, but have not found any clues as to real life events yet.
I'll have to do some research and find out what year it was, I seem to remember that although he did wrong he never actually harmed anyone and a lot of the shocked patients he treated actually praised his treatment of them he became a sort of anti hero celebrity of the times.