I'm trying to ascertain whether it's worth while putting lots of effort into wired tamper protection.
These days, there seems to be ever more complex means of tamper loop monitoring. We had simple closed loop circuits. Then we had end of line resistors. Then someone added shunt resistors. Top of the line banking systems might even use individually addressable digital detectors that log into a base station. How long will it be before the alarm companies start selling encrypted ip connected detectors running over cat6 wiring? I read that sex sells and encrypted PIRs seem awfully sexy to me, but perhaps that's just me
Is any of it worth while? Your typical burglar is pretty stupid. Their tools are hammer and spanner, not multi meter and laser. Is there anything wrong with a plain old closed loop tamper? Or no tamper at all? So, my actual question to all the professionals reading this is: Have any of you ever heard of someone deliberately TAMPERing with a domestic customer's burglar alarm? I exclude mice, squirrels and Russian agents.
These days, there seems to be ever more complex means of tamper loop monitoring. We had simple closed loop circuits. Then we had end of line resistors. Then someone added shunt resistors. Top of the line banking systems might even use individually addressable digital detectors that log into a base station. How long will it be before the alarm companies start selling encrypted ip connected detectors running over cat6 wiring? I read that sex sells and encrypted PIRs seem awfully sexy to me, but perhaps that's just me
Is any of it worth while? Your typical burglar is pretty stupid. Their tools are hammer and spanner, not multi meter and laser. Is there anything wrong with a plain old closed loop tamper? Or no tamper at all? So, my actual question to all the professionals reading this is: Have any of you ever heard of someone deliberately TAMPERing with a domestic customer's burglar alarm? I exclude mice, squirrels and Russian agents.