Approximately what percentage are women? Approximately what percentage are children? Approximately what percentage are old people?
this is a well used lazy argument used by the right.
The reason old people don’t take arduous, dangerous journeys is because they don’t have the stamina
The reason children don’t often take arduous, dangerous journeys is because they don’t have the stamina and when family units travel, it increases the risk of failure
The reason women often don’t travel is because they are at risk from rape and also have less stamina.
So mostly it’s young single men or men hoping go get asylum and then apply for their wives.
The old, the children, the women are either displaced in their country or living in refugee camps
and before you start trying to use false equivalence with Ukraine: the men there stay because they are supported by the govt to fight for their country.
the men from Syria, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan are persecuted by their home country. That’s the difference
I can provide links and quotes to support the above….but you aren’t interested in evidence, only pushing Daily Mail tropes