Mini basement/wine cellar idea

so many of them are round that I wonder if they have a special excavation technique.

A revision of the welldiggers sinking tube, perhaps? Excavating inside a finished room would normally be very dirty, cramped work.


just seen the vid and they seem to dig by hand with no shoring...
Hi Ian. They say it isn't a living space, but if I had one I'd probably put a cushion on the bottom step and spend all evening in there :p
Just read £6-9000 to dig the hole.

I'm digging the wrong kind of holes at work!!!!
So, has this thread morphed in to Alcholoics Anonymous.

I would only need to be mindful of building regulations therefore, which I think my builder can sign off on himself, as long as he does that part of the work

It's Building Control that sign the job off, and give you the completion certificate, not the builder. You pay a fee to BC to oversee the job, and they check the work as you go (and a builder isn't needed whatsoever) and they'll keep you on the straight and narrow, and basically make sure the works up to the required standards.
Ah, fair enough. My builder would probably set me straight on that but he seems to have done a disappearing act this week.
He went to the planning office and got something signed for something when he put a new bathroom in for me, but I probably should have paid more attention to that. I'd forgotten that I can get an officer to visit if I feel like I can do the job myself. :oops: