Missing fingers incident.

Agile said:
You are therefore missing a lot of enjoyment from "hot" places which move rythmically!
I thought it was against the MIs to use a pushfit coupling within one metre of the boiler?
very hard not to keep posting to this thread as I remember old incidents.

The weirdest one was while teaching a group of students how to use a circular saw, they were all gathered in a ring around the saw while i explained the use of the bed and the fence, when i turned the saw on to show where the switches were, a small plume of blood rose up from the accelerating blade made an arc in the air and slapped down in a line across my hand and spattered on the faces of the students in front of the saw.
I controlled my panic, the students mostly didn't especially the spattered ones.

after a very confusing few minutes of inspecting my hands and the students for evidence of lacerations, and having found none. I decided to open the door to the saw, to find that the thing was full up of sawdust when it should have been cleaned by the technician.

we never got to the bottom of what happened, but the only explanation I can think of was that there must have been a mouse in the saw, in the wrong spot just as I pressed the button. never did find any bits though.

I would have spent longer trying to work it out, but shortly afterwards a girl in the workshop bandsawed right down the middle of her index fingernail.
jeeze im glad I gave up teaching.
Softus said:
OK; for the sake of completeness, I have never, knowingly, not even once, on any occasion, allowed my penis to come anywhere even remotely close to anything hard, hot, sharp, moving, charged, astringent, or, just in case you were wondering, male.

my mate was cutting boards in another room when i heard a scream. by the time I was half way there I met him coming the other way with a skill saw attached firmly to his groin, and all his overalls gathered tightly into the same area. he was pale but laughing.

turns out he had just done a cut, and as he swung the circular saw away the button must have got pressed (before the safety button business). the blade had snaged his overall at the knee and wound itself up the cloth to imbed itself into his groin. luckily just as it got there the lead tightened and it pulled out the plug.

I watched him walk off to the toilet to see if there was any damage, still with the saw clinging between his legs like a limpet. he came back in different overalls, the original ones were now crutchless and on his underpants you could see a neat line of holes where the blade had stopped. he insisted that he didn't even have a scratch and to be fair there was no blood to be seen on his new lacy underwear.
a friend of mine lost the top 2 parts of one of his fingers years ago - he was working for the forrestry dept somewhere in scotland & was showing a bunch of yts (youth trainees) how to use the saw safely.......when he chopped off his finger.
he said he bent down, picked up his finger from the ground, stuffed it in his donkey jacket pocket & carried on with his demonstration as though nothing had happened, i think a few of the students keeled over & needless to say none of them applied for a position in the forrestry dept after their work 'experience' :D
We helped a friend cut down a tree in his small forrest.

He is trained and registered and insured to cut down trees and was kitted out in helmet and vizor, leather gloves and steel toe capped boots and thick trowsers.

The tree was cut down without incident and we all returned home.

While we made some coffee he went to take off his protective equipment.

He returned with a bleeding forehead!

He had hit his head putting his chainsaw away underneath the bench in his workshop!

Lynda moderator

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