Mortar setting when freezing temperatures forecast (-1 to - 3C)

I'm struggling to think how best I could protect it in this way without causing any damage trying to secure some kind of cover etc.

Is this more of a belts and braces suggestion, but in reality it should be fine based on the other comments?


A lot depends on how easy it is to access.

If you can reach it from the ground, a large piece of cardboard, such as a flattened carboard box, as Tigercub says, would do if you can wedge it with a ladder or something to prevent it blowing away. You only need to protect it during the first night. The bricks will hold enough heat that the surface will not be frosted unless it is exposed to a clear night sky or a very cold wind. After the first night it will have enough strength to resist frost damage.

If the night is mild, clouded and rainy, it will be OK anyway. Cloudy, drizzly weather is ideal for new concrete and mortar.
Thanks everyone for your replies, wasn't expecting such drama

In the end I did put up some protective covering of sorts to be on the safe side, but sounds like there's more important stuff to worry about than this

Thanks again and Merry Christmas!