Ahh, what with this and the petrol fumes this is starting to make sense now.Some will say bleach is bad for you. I am a big user, and haven't had problems yet.
I've found it isn't necessary to wipe down the tiles after a shower as it just runs off Raku tiles and leaves them dry - Dampstop lining seems to be keeping the wallpaper dry-ish too, as before the painted wall surface would run with moisture. An Aquaseal membrane behind the tiles will, i hope, make sure the wall stays dry and a waterproof grout will seal the join for years ahead. Air vent and an open window helps, of course, but the only surface i need to wipe down is the shower screen and squishing excess water out of the bath with a squeegee.Quite a few folk would look at you in puzzlement and/or roll their eyes when you mention things like ventilation and wiping down bathroom walls after a shower. Landlords usually have at least one story of a tenant who complains about damp and mould when there are no issues whatsoever with the property itself.
Do you vent the place? Emmmmmm ...
Do you wipe down walls? Emmmmm ...
Do you think the mould on the wall might be due to that old mattress you've had propped up there for months? Emmmmm ...