I have used evaporated and condensed milk, the evaporated had no way to re-seal once opened and it was not unknown to find insects in the milk, the condensed came in tubes together with loads of sugar. So I got use to drinking coffee and tea without milk. I did like green tea and mint with loads of sugar but prefer cups with handles rather than glasses. The coffee again without milk it needs sugar, normally today I don't have sugar in tea or coffee.
But working abroad one has to adapt, and I learnt to adapt quickly.
I do see how changing life style can reduce energy used. In Hong Kong cold tea was more expensive than hot tea. You could also buy cans of coffee with milk already in and they drank cold coffee like we drink a can of coke cola.
Boiling the kettle in the morning and making a large pot of tea which once cooled is put in fridge may reduce the energy used over having hot tea. Only the British put milk in tea, using milk cancels out much of the goodness of tea.
It seems most mammals can only drink milk as an infant, as they mature they develop an allergy to milk so are forced to stop drinking it. The human has over 1000's of years over come the allergy problem, however if one stops drinking milk the allergy to it can quickly develop. I am told drinking modified milk can also allow the natural allergy to form. I like milk so don't really want to drink modified milk so for me full fat every time.
So to get back to energy meters, does the fact that energy is used to heat tea or coffee mean in future you will make one brew a day and drink it cold?