New soil pipe depth

I'll put the rest bend in where I can to get the 1 in 80 fall and see how I get on. Thanks for the advice
The point is what precautions do you take where drains are near the surface , cover with what :?:

It depends what your protecting it from. If it’s vehicle pressure it needs something solid, if it’s UV it could be simply paint or soil.
Concrete each side of the drain in extreme cases.
somebody has said it at last.
Adjacent matching material, obvs.
so does that mean if the adjacent material is soil you can just cover the drain with a bit of soil :?::!:
t depends what your protecting it from.
yes,I know that.
it could be simply paint or soil.
wonder if Action Joe now knows what to do or if he will be painting the soil over the drain :!:
wonder if Action Joe now knows what to do or if he will be painting the soil over the drain :!:

Would the drain still work if he did that? What does your book say?

I forgot to say my occupation is a soil painter, so I know how to do this bit

Cool, will drop you a PM, i’ve got a load of soil painting jobs in the pipeline but my usual guy let me down ;)