New Texecom Alarm

external pirs are a waste of time

i only mentiond the gjd ones because you did first

as i said you cant use gjd pirs on a normal alarm they are designed for the gjd controller only.

ok, you put a normal pir outside (the only other external pir i know of is a red wall =£££££££)

it wont last long since when it rains it will get wet, water will get in and corode it

it will false alarm due to the wind (untill it completely gives up due to water)

external pirs are a waste of time end of, gjd get away with it becuse no one hears a light coming on, and they soon turn the buzzer off

night to you is also when the main alarm is set, so if you have it set for night it will also be set when you are out, it also does not comply to any standards, not to mention annoy the neighbours

pet detectors do work, they detect pets

dont bother with smoke detectors on the alarm, again a complete waste of time and money

you will be reling on the internal sounder and external sounder to wake you in the event of fire, burnt toast may be, but asleep it will be a bit late, fit mains with battery back up and silence button, or separate fire alarm

prox keypads are a waste of time, suppose a prox tag is stolen it can still turn the alarm off on the upstairs key pad