Hi Smart, this is an old post.
You would be better if you started your own and include the boiler make and model, pictures of old stat, programmer etc.
As you can see they are identical, except that the EP has a terminal (5) that has a wire linking it to the (L) terminal. The Hive already has this connection made for you internally, so you simply loose the link wire between the EP (L) and (5), then the remaining wires transfer from the EP to a Dual Channel Hive like for like.
Any existing room thermostat should be decommissioned properly by removing it and linking the switching wires together to complete the circuit. Or alternatively set it to its maximum setting, so that it doesn't override the Hive.
75pete is quite correct through. For future reference create a new thread, they are flagged as being new and are readily seen. Bury a new question at the bottom of an old thread and few will see it.