Premier 24 Not Triggering Alarm

Agreed in ideal set up.
However am testing for alarm trigger after exit timer has finished at which time all pir's should be in guard mode, exit time set to 30secs, 1st entry timer is set to 15sec, 2nd entry timer is zero already.
Have tripped exit/entry pir to simulate entry, have not disarmed so all pir's should activate alarm after timer finished. Set 1 to 1 trigger not 2, so any pir should trigger alarm
are you sure we are talking about the same timers

as it sounds like entry stray.
entry 1 delay (is the entry time from entry 1/exit)
entry 2 delay (is an entry time from a entry2/exit)
the second entry time is something different again this should be set to 0

after that is confirmed I would have to look at the zone Areas
and the entries in the log
Agreed, sorry some confusion over descriptions.
I'm using entry delay 1 on one e/e PIR and entry delay 2 on the other e/e PIR.
There is a 2nd Entry delay which kicks in after after Entry delay 1 and 2 have expired, but this one is set to zero anyway.

What is noted is the fact that on activating either e/e PIR following arming (and allowing for settle period) the Entry Tone is not being heard, which just confirms that Entry delay 1 or 2 is not being trigger by activation of the PIR's. Neither does the system go into intruder mode when keypad code not entered in the delay period, just confirming the system is not responding to the e/e PIR's being tripped.

Also once armed none of the 4 x Guard PIR's activate the intruder alarm.
not following this perfectly.

so my question now is what is actually recorded in the log and what areas are in the zone programming.