Remove tap back nut

Top hat washers on a ceramic basin? :eek:
Absolutely, every time (bar once - see below). yes. Clear enuff?

If you have ever cracked a basin trying your hardest to get a metal backnut to hold the tap, suspect cheap imported basin with an high-spot, tight you'll know, just know why.

Oh, and why oh why are new/replacement tap threads getting shorter?, well one thing is for sure, it is not for my benefit.
This looks strangely like a client I quoted for last week needing 3 sets of taps changing and all in the same condition as this. He had the same tiles as that and also a very similar basin. He was also called John.

Turned down my quote of £130 plus materials to change the taps. If it is that client then I bet it doesn't look expensive now does it ;)

If not then, OP, either get the balls of steel out or get a guy in that can get them out without destroying the basin. I would have them out in 15 minutes tops.
