Removing the wall around protected stairway, 3-storey house

No its a two storey extension on to an existing two storey detached house. Means of escape windows are not feasible in the new room.
The three other bedroom windows do not have escape windows, but they are existing and not being changed.
Makes no difference

If there was no protected staircase there in the first place, there is no need for one now if the storey levels remain the same.

Removing a wall is not making anything worse, and requires no compensation.
Makes no difference

If there was no protected staircase there in the first place, there is no need for one now if the storey levels remain the same.

Removing a wall is not making anything worse, and requires no compensation.

Building Control could and probably will argue that the new extension requires a protected escape route from the new first floor as there are no fire egress windows. It might also argue that the extension makes the means of escape from the existing first floor less compliant therefore requiring the protected staircase escape route serving all the first floor rooms.