Replacement Actuator....Again!

When you look at the price difference between Corgi and Honeywell, is it any wonder why the Corgi brand is so cheap?
It suggest it is a suitable replacement for Honeywell.
Bingo you have won the prize, they are cheap shoite , buy genuine , buy a complete Honeywell valve and replace the lot , if any problems Honeywell will replace FOC buying this shoite from china is never a good idea
Hi all, so I had the opportunity today to purchase a honeywell 2 valve actuator. Fitted it and it works correctly thankfully. But what I have found is that when just the hot water is called the radiators are heating up. Arggh! To me it still appears that the valve does not turn to and from the same degree as the actuator. The actuator turns from \ (closed) anticlockwise to _ (Open) whereas the valve turns from _ anticlockwise to / (I have no idea which is open or closed) if that makes sense. Hence when I fit the actuator over the valve at what is meant to be closed it is partially or fully open. I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and replace the valve as well. It's a bit tricky to get to being at the back of the airing cupboard water tank. I'll see how I go first. I just can't understand why the turning circle's do not match. Is there any way this can be adjusted either on the valve or on the actuator? Thanks in advance.
I think you have mixed up so many actuators and valves and none of them are compatible with one another.
Replace the complete actuator and valve.
Hi all, so I had the opportunity today to purchase a honeywell 2 valve actuator. Fitted it and it works correctly thankfully. But what I have found is that when just the hot water is called the radiators are heating up. Arggh! To me it still appears that the valve does not turn to and from the same degree as the actuator. The actuator turns from \ (closed) anticlockwise to _ (Open) whereas the valve turns from _ anticlockwise to / (I have no idea which is open or closed) if that makes sense. Hence when I fit the actuator over the valve at what is meant to be closed it is partially or fully open. I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and replace the valve as well. It's a bit tricky to get to being at the back of the airing cupboard water tank. I'll see how I go first. I just can't understand why the turning circle's do not match. Is there any way this can be adjusted either on the valve or on the actuator? Thanks in advance.

Get a heating engineer. You have had a go, give up and get it fixed. Looks like not only have you lost the smooth faulting flow, you seem to have mixed the wires and cannot understand valve operation.