Rotten lintel and joists

Thanks for the feedback.
Looks OK from here.
I can't really see if you've lost the headers. If you have, you might have needed a couple of ties between skins. But on that small amount of brickwork, I don't suppose it's important.
Sorry Bobby, I’m not sure what you mean? Did you mean I should have some bricks that bridge the inner and outer wall? The arched brick lintel and inner wall that weren’t linked before so I just rebuilt the inner. I wouldn’t be able to bridge them without disrupting the arch.
For rebuilding I basically tried to avoid the alignment of any vertical mortar joins between the courses. Hope that’ll be ok.
OK, I thought I saw a course of headers in the original pictures. (Yes, bricks that link the inner and outer skins.)
Looking again, perhaps it was just some headers in the bond. I don't know the names of the various bonds. Flemish Bond perhaps?

I notice in that article in the link, that the bond (as in Common Bond Fig 3) occurs only in every 7th course, so no worries.
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Yes, my brickwork ‘pattern’ was basically keeping the bricks as large as possible, while avoiding the vertical mortar joins aligning. I’m going to cover the exposed area in lime plaster and the original brickwork wasn’t pretty either so I didn’t feel too bad about it . Thanks again for all your help and feedback. It gave me the confidence to go ahead and has saved me a lot of time, money and concern. All the best , Daniel