Running replacement water main

Hopefully you will keep in touch with this forum and say what happened next.

Thing is, the Utility's inspector, who will arrive after you've filled the form in, is the one who will determine where your connection point will be, & what your excavation costs will be at the connection point, & from there to the mains.

Discuss with the inspector what options you might have for locating your connection point - avoid digging in the neighbour's garden if possible.

Single service lead supplies are changed out for free but common row lead supply changes are costed.

Yes, a meter will be installed for free either at the hole or in your property.
Hopefully you will keep in touch with this forum and say what happened next.

Thing is, the Utility's inspector, who will arrive after you've filled the form in, is the one who will determine where your connection point will be, & what your excavation costs will be at the connection point, & from there to the mains.

Discuss with the inspector what options you might have for locating your connection point - avoid digging in the neighbour's garden if possible.

Single service lead supplies are changed out for free but common row lead supply changes are costed.

Yes, a meter will be installed for free either at the hole or in your property.

Yeh, tbf the Utility inspector was helpful, and provided me with plenty of info.

Essentially, if I end up paying for a new connection, then I've got free choice as to where on my boundary I bring the pipe to, whether that be straight down my path from front door, or down the driveway on the side of my property to the boundary. It'll be the same cost either way as it's got to get across the same width of path to the main :)

He also suggested having a chat with my neighbour who's already had their own main run in, to find out how they have handled their disconnection from the shared main, and if they've got access to for me to be able to cap off at the T, else the only other option is capping at my boundary wall, which will leave a large dead leg for the remaining property...
Going across their garden is probably the least viable option atm, as it's quite a bit more effort and disruption. He also mentioned that I might need to consider getting an easement to allow me to run the pipe work, which is likely to be additional cost with solicitors etal.

So yeh, just waiting on the quote now...
