Seized bathroom spotlight

If the stuck one is the same as the one in the latest picture, it looks like it is just held in by the spring clips on each side.

Just insert a screwdriver between the bezel and the housing, and gently turn.

Thanks, Taylor.
Sorry, stupid question, but when you say insert a screwdriver where do you mean? Up into the ceiling down the side of the light? The lip of the silver front plate will be in the way as it won't come out very far.

Sorry, don't quite get whats the bezel and the housing!

Sorry, don't quite get whats the bezel and the housing!
Have a look at the pictures that you posted in your post #4. the second photo. The metal bit you are holding that has the lamp attached, that’s the bezel. The white bit in the ceiling is the housing. Put your screwdriver in the joint between them and try gently to twist.