Subsidence or rising damp? Or something else?

If you have exposed a concrete floor in the kitchen - the air bricks would probably now be redundant?
But is it definitely concrete, and not just a thick screed of sand & cement?
Perhaps if you slide out the W/M & the D/W then pics might help - likewise a pic of the cleared out sink base unit inside?
When the appliances have been pulled out then operate them.

Only speculation but Its possible that the recent weather variations has caused expansion in the laminates that perhaps dont have expansion gaps at the edges - does your wood floorings have expansion gaps?

What are the other holes you refer to poking into?
Does the hopper head go into a trap?
Why not lift the manhole cover, and any other covers in the yard.
Observe down the manhole when the WC is flushed - and when the sink is emptied?
The algae green staining on the wall indicates water splashing up off the deck.
The kitchen floor is floorboards and concrete? It's mostly floorboards, and then concrete near the back door I think. I haven't took all the laminate up yet but you can see here how it's a mix of both. I don't think the laminate did have gaps. It's been down since before I moved here nearly 8 years ago.

I'll get pics behind the dishwasher and washing machine tomorrow. And check which way the water flows as I need to brush up all the debris first.

I have no idea about the hopper head, when I look down in to it I just see a pipe? Here's a pic down it. And the other holes I meant are the actual air brick holes.

Will be getting my partner to lift up the manhole and check it, he works for united utilities so he does that a lot a as part of his job anyway.


Is that green patch near the back door? Or where the sink used to be?
Nope, that's the living room door next to the green bit. Open door is under the stairs and the back door is to the left where the bit of black curtain is (straight on is the dining room extension).
Look around for the nearest thing with water in it, whether it's a fishtank, radiator, or water pipe in the floor.
Okay, will give it a go. There's 2 radiators nearby, and I'm gonna try and get the floorboards up to look underneath. Thanks for all your help!
Thanks for the new pics & info.
Your partner should get his rubber gauntlet hand down the hopper head to determine if it has a trap - and to
remove any debris.
Seeing water is usually a good sign of a trap but it might be because of a blockage?
Have you been under any suspended floor in the house?
Before lifting kitchen floor boards why not show/post the whole floor as best as possible?
Does any other GF area have concrete?
Not been under the suspended floor before. The living room is definitely floorboards too.

These 2 rooms off the kitchen are both part of an extention so not sure if that's why the bit of floor in the kitchen between the 2 rooms is concrete. I'm assuming those rooms are concrete flooring too.

I'm hoping to get the rest of the kitchen floor up today so will post pics as soon as I can.

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