Texecom Premier Elite 24 (Metal) Wiring Help

once it says zone setup, press yes (tick), then 008, then No(X), then 0, then Yes, the Menu, menu(looks like sheet of paper icon)
then press 3(global options) then Yes, 3(monitor hardware) Yes, then No, then 7 (B goes to star battery monitoring turned off), then press Yes, then Menu, Menu, 0, Yes, should be at the time and date screen (day mode) no alerts?
Ok, so reconnected internal sounders and bell and entered the engineers code
Would not remove the flashing alerts.

Have tried to program from keypad2 (closest to computer at this point) and now says remote keypad locked out
1st time it scrolls through alerts, second time should take you into engineer, occasionally I have known it take three attempts
Pressed yes and confirmed when asked.


Net RKP > 12..
1 EXP > 1
Done that and disabled zone 008


Yes to select zone setup