That meter is your PV export meter and sits between your CU and inverter. The display will periodically swap between the import and export readings. The value at the lower left corner of the display (000 or 010) tells you which value is displayed at that moment. The import value displayed is the total power generated by the panels up to that time. The export value displayed is the total power exported from he grid, essentially the power taken from the grid to power the inverter. The terms import and export can be confusing. There is no display available of the instantaneous power of either import or export at the meter. Depending on the inverter type, you may be able to obtain the instantaneous power directly at the inverter or by a rf link to an app. If you take a periodic reading of the import value, you may be able to calculate average power draw over the period, but that is of limited value as the instantaneous power will fluctuate with the light levels - think of clouds passing on a windy day. Simplistically, the power generated by the PV system will be subtracted from the power the house is drawing to reduce the load seen at the electric meter. Any excess generated power will be taken by the grid, with no benefit to you. That is why you may like to consider timing the use of power to coincide with sunny periods.