velux window fitted wrong?

You have to give him the opportunity to fix the problem if you don't want to pay for the repair. Have you sent him the photos you put up here (or any similar)- you never know, it might be he hasn't actually seen the window, one of his crew put it in & he'll be straight round when he does see what a botch they made of it. It isn't a subtle fail....
As a roofer i would definitely advise use a roofer.
Having said that there are plenty of handy builders out there capable.
To do the job properly a couple of ridges need to come off, a few slates removed, back gutter out, two more slates off. Then back gutter on (minus the packer thats been left in)
Slates on, ridge on.. clear rubbish , collect money. You might ask that rivets be fitted where missing.
thanks! any idea how much that may cost? going to send the pictures to him to see what he says, but seriously thinking it'll be better done by someone else! thank you all for confirming what we thought and giving us the details we need to get it fixed properly!
you might try sending pictures to velux tech support they might comment, out of curiosity did the same guy point the ridge?
yes! and I have tried velux and they initially replied very quickly asking for more details but not heard from the in over a week. and yes he did point the Ridge, also the whole loft conversion that was over seen by building regulations but I'm now worried what else may be wrong!
Arr. Building inspectors don't do quality control. They tend only to look at major structural stuff (size of steels), insulation where it should be, means of escape, ventilation. Most BIs have pet hobbyhorses (one up here is obsessed with checking windows with his little meter thing to make sure the glass is coated. Window might be held in with 6' of expanding foam and a nail- he doesn't care long as the glass is right).

Since Building Control were involved the job is unlikely to fall down- they'll have checked key structural elements. Detail stuff- down to the builder. If it looks OK and works OK then don't worry too much about it.
well maybe you could ask nicely for him to correct the work or pay for a roofer to do it for him.
its not a major job maybe a couple of hours probably less.
As old geezer says if it was inspected as he went along then it should not fall down.
BC would not check to see if a back gutter is correctly fitted.
it looks like a case of jack of all trades master of none ..muck work looks untidy.
Is it me or do those slate courses (to the side of the Velux) look like the gauge is overly spaced? Third course down from the ridge.........???
Nah, I reckon he's used full length for the 2nd from top course , then 300s for the top course so the lap will be a bit stretched
easy enough to stick a tape out of the window , bottom of slate to bottom of slate.
It might be an illusion or the top course maybe long.. possible cut above nail holes.
The slate as we all know should be a set gauge.