There is a gent who had the idea of setting a place up to train what he referred to ask ark angels. Pretty clear about his aims. Muslems tend to have a particular type of view about their faith. He wants to even things up in the Christianity area to fight back. His words - really another way of controlling a population's view. There is more of his right sort of view in this general area within the US. There is some degree of the same sort of views in most Christian countries. Different sects.'Socially Conservative Christians'. Evangelicals. Those far right fukwits spread their bullshine as far as they can. There's nothing they wouldn't do in order to upset the Global institutions put in place to protect our human rights and health.
Currently - pass. Memory tells me he had bought a monastery in Italy and they were saying we want none of that here.
Religion in general? One view is that it has often been used to bind populations and groups of them together. One of our kings said to form the CofE to get a divorce? I''d guess he also thought get rid of the popes power all together. His power was used to spread his particular religion. Something a lot of sects try to do. Perhaps more in the past than current days. However Putin opened up their churches again. God supports both sides in a war.