What are you watching on TV right now?

Currently watching Jason and the Argonauts on C5. My dad took me to see this at the pictures too. Frightening - and we’ve not even got to the fighting skeletons scene yet!

Where eagles dare. 'Broadsword calling Danny boy' , 'Broadsword calling Danny boy'.
Oh yes! Another of my favourites. I saw this at the pictures too. Proper film. (y)(y)
"I zeem zu remember ze casederal was on ze left". (Or vaz it ze right?) :cautious:

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Telly rarely goes on before 1800, earliest.

Been outside all day, enjoying the lovely weather.

Countryfile (best weather of the week!) coming up, then Race across the World.(y)
Hi Mottie

Quick question. The tv stand and dresser from oak furniture land by any chance or similiar ? Whats the quality like.

Hi Martin, I have a dining table and chairs with 2 side board units with a tv unit, all from Oak furniture land, all good quality - no problems.

Watching Friday night dinner at the moment, it's reasonably funny. (don't think t'other half likes it too much though)
Watching Friday night dinner at the moment, it's reasonably funny. (don't think t'other half likes it too much though)
Absolutely crapola compared to previous seasons. Must have a different writer/director. I used to look forward to that but not anymore.
been watching that victorian thing with him from life on mars (glenister?) in it - been excellent, last part the night I think. Beers are in the fridge.
Absolutely crapola compared to previous seasons. Must have a different writer/director. I used to look forward to that but not anymore.

Oh, it's the previous seasons I'm watching, missed it 1st time round.
Currently watching Bosch season 6 . Goliath was also a cracking series. Think i'll watch Assault on Precinct 13 tomorrow to start my day off.
Watching Friday night dinner at the moment, it's reasonably funny. (don't think t'other half likes it too much though)
I am watching less and less tv...Flick through the freeview..Smithsonian channel has some interesting stuff on sometimes...History of space race,history of Nuclear bomb testing near Las Vegas..Brushing the radioactive dust off people with a sweeping brush etc....Standing people and animals in the way to discover the effects....