Complete the Sentence

  • Thread starter Thread starter RedHerring2
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-portfolio, i'm sure that you must have some experience in paddy field restructuring, which will----

be of no use to me, I have decided to join the Sooty and Sweep Fan Club and go on a pilgrimage to....
see the puppet master,unfortunately his hand has been where I know not and refuse to shake..................
supermarket 'Sweep' ...feeling depressed the puppet master decided to liven things up by....
playing the hokey cokey but when it came to the hands in hands out he was caught in a quandary about which one to use..........
due to not knowing his left from right, an affliction that has caused many embarrassing moments in the sauna because........
he should have went to specsavers by not knowing his left from right he should have known right from .............
cheese and onion sarnie with a dollop of branston, which didn't go down too well on Masterchef so ....
he tried his luck on come dine with me under the light of the silvery moon which was unseen behind this blessed cloud cover....................
making the rather drab looking kitchen even more grim, "it doesn't get tougher than this!" shouted the balding.............
"Its cruel to keep that bird in a budgie cage" shouted the MP
"Where did you come from" said the puppet master in an astonished and astounded voice.
"I came from the.....
other side of the Styx said the devil in disguise,although dressed liked Cameron sort of gave him away................