Improving on TRV

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The reason for our position has already been explained. If you wanted scientific opinion, why ask on a DIY forum, where prfessional opinion (gained from years of training as well as experience) will be offered foremost.

You were given answers befitting your inital arrogance; followedby a bit of diection.
I'm afraid that message means little to me. (Written so fast? that your typos are confusing) If a DIY forum is not able to disseminate information about advanced ideas than what do all the Photography / Radio Ham / Medical forums do? Here you go again with the idea of slow metering of information to a thread. CH is not rocket science and you know it (even when you include the control theory bit) and why should the forum be limited to rad sizes and pipe threads? If you want the forum to be shown respect (which I think is the basic problem here) then you could at least attempt to control the other abusive members. (What do your mods do with their time?)
Mods respond to alerts, we aren't psychic.

If you had given an decent answer, early on, to show that modern systems have advantages then I wouldn't have taken the (justified at the time) tone, implying general ignorance on the thread - which there was, in abundance.
Forums are for communication.
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The only way to achieve what you want is to zone each room separately and have a PID controller with a remote temperature probe calibrated to an accuracy of 0.05 degrees. The PID controller must then be tuned to proportionally control the temperature of the room and will take into account variables (which must be tuned by a professional controls engineer)

The cost to do this will be in excess of £15,000 to purchase the equipment, install and commission.

When you have done this then you will have what you want.

Otherwise, the technical data for TRV's and other domestic heating devices can usually be found on the manufacturers website.
I would love to be able to charge and earn a consultancy fee to each and every one of my clients.
You don't need a consultation fee if you are going to instal TRVs. The client pays the gas supplier for the next twenty years. You could, perhaps try the DIYConsultancyMarketing Forum and find how to sell your extra knowledge at a profit. No need, whilst clients are comfortably ignorant of just what they could expect from a heating system.
I would love to be able to charge and earn a consultancy fee to each and every one of my clients.
You don't need a consultation fee if you are going to instal TRVs. The client pays the gas supplier for the next twenty years. You could, perhaps try the DIYConsultancyMarketing Forum and find how to sell your extra knowledge at a profit. No need, whilst clients are comfortably ignorant of just what they could expect from a heating system.

For the price paid im afraid you can't expect what you expect from a central heating system. Industry pays hundreds of thousands of pounds to achieve what you are talking about. Would this be feasible for the average domestic client? No!!!
Edited, it would be unprofessional for me to conduct any dialogue with mentally incapacitated bunch of idiots.
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I would love to be able to charge and earn a consultancy fee to each and every one of my clients.
You don't need a consultation fee if you are going to instal TRVs. The client pays the gas supplier for the next twenty years. You could, perhaps try the DIYConsultancyMarketing Forum and find how to sell your extra knowledge at a profit. No need, whilst clients are comfortably ignorant of just what they could expect from a heating system.

Put yourself in the position of a self-employed plumbing/heating engineer and then re-read your last post. You are barking up the wrong tree!
Put yourself in the position of a self-employed plumbing/heating engineer and then re-read your last post. You are barking up the wrong tree!
So which side of the fence are you? You can only afford to instal TRV based systems but you 'understand' more complex ones. People all over the place are buying Nest, Hive etc. so why can't you consider going that way or even just discuss the idea sensibly? Don't forget that I cannot know what you 'know' until you actually post the information.
I wish you could give an answer that is not somehow laced with vitriol or self pity. Just what would be the point of that? I think there is some really unfriendly virus at work on this forum. I haven't come across such unpleasantness before. What can be your motive for being involved with a group like this one?
Put yourself in the position of a self-employed plumbing/heating engineer and then re-read your last post. You are barking up the wrong tree!
So which side of the fence are you? You can only afford to instal TRV based systems but you 'understand' more complex ones. People all over the place are buying Nest, Hive etc. so why can't you consider going that way or even just discuss the idea sensibly? Don't forget that I cannot know what you 'know' until you actually post the information.
I wish you could give an answer that is not somehow laced with vitriol or self pity. Just what would be the point of that? I think there is some really unfriendly virus at work on this forum. I haven't come across such unpleasantness before. What can be your motive for being involved with a group like this one?

I've already offered a response which would solve all your requirements with heating the rooms taking into account variables and accuracy.

With off the shelf domestic heating equipment you're not going to achieve what you want.
More twaddle from the resident Google misinterpreter.

Google is a search engine, it finds ( most of the time ) documents that contain information people are seeking. Google doesn't create those documents ( unlike WikiPedia which does ).

And before Google I was using PID in process control systems. Have to admit I did not fully understand the maths used but user friendly PID controllers did provide extremely good control in various application including heating, cooling and motion control in robotic equipment.
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