Complete the Sentence

  • Thread starter Thread starter RedHerring2
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Yes ...they are gone ...(stop it SC you must get over Allia)... you must move he leapt to his feet and won the race and celebrated by .....
-- spraying everything and everybody with Bucks Fizz. :o He planned to drink the real champagne later but failed to notice --

(I don't think Eric has quite got over being under Allia. :lol: )
scenario now caused the myriad of falling feathers now covered the MP's lover and unfortunately made her look rather attractive to a passing ostrich ....
-- so she did the only thing she could think of - which was to stick her head in a drain gully. This was not a good move --
hot air which blew her wig off and left the MP speechless, she needed to cover her head so she grabbed a .......
.. shower cap from the handy bathroom salesperson , who seeing her bent over was just about to stick his plunger...
-- out to hail a passing ambulance. The ambulance stopped anyway and an ewok, a wookiee and C3PO fell out the back. "Where the hell are we --
"is this the fancy dress party" .... the MP sighed in despair as the wookie grabbed his mistress and started to....
-- pick the goose feathers off one by one. There was something about this gentle giant that really tickled her fancy, so she --

(PS: That's not a substitute word. :wink: )
bought a ticket to Knotty Ash, where the ken dodd appreciation society was.............
-- celebrating the release of their first movie: Revenge of the Diddymen. They were more than a little surprized when a wookiee appeared among them carrying a half-naked human; so surprized that they --
all got out their rather lovely tickling sticks and indulged in a little more fancy tickling, and it did indeed bring a huge smile to her face, making her exclaim "This is rather.....