You mean arguing for the sake of the way some reply to things in this forum, reminds me of good old Pat Ex.
Me: I really enjoyed running up Ben Nevis at the weekend, great fun.
Forum Member: Do you not realise 5 people a year injure themselves doing that very thing?!?
My point related to a group of people that proactively look for ways not to work. They have no intention of working. They seeketh ways to noteth worketh.
That point, the point I have made in the brief paragraph directly above, has diddly squat to do with how comfortably people can or can't live on benefits.
It genuinely makes me laugh that, when referring to a large group of people, the assertion is made that 100% of those in said group fall into the same camp. For example those who assert 100% of able bodied people on benefits would rather work. Ha Ha HAaaaaa.
For instance the AR thread how many pages has that gone on for and who really gives a f*ck