Deleted member 221031
Honey is liquid sugar, bananas while a slow release carb are still full of natural sugarI've started having jumbo oats in the week with youghurt, banana, seeds and honey. Mrs Mottie says that’s good but I have a portion for three people so I’ll have to cut down on that. Weekends I¡lol either have fish - either poached smoked haddock with poached eggs, scrambled eggs on toast, kippers or smoked mackerel And I’ve been told to stop finishing off what she leaves on her plate! I don’t have her will power - she literally stops eating when she is full even if it means leaving a forkful of mash or 5 peas on her plate! "Finish that off" I tell her. "No, I'm full" she says.
It just sounds like you’re a greedy bastard lol