What rubbish from a blinkered Brexer.
View attachment 309560
Am I right in thinking that the rate of inflation graph that you presented does not show the cumulative effect of higher inflation rates?
If the inflation rate is based on the difference of this year's prices compared to last year, that's a simple rate. It doesn't show the cumulative effect of year-on-year inflation rates.
Rather like an annual interest rate does not show the year-on-year cumulative effect of compound inrterest.
I will try to show a theoretical example of the "compound" inflation rate.
A 10% increase on something costing £10 would indicate a £11 price the following year (year 2), and if this rate was maintained, the next year (year 3) it would be £12.10. By year 10, that £10 item would cost £23.58
If the annual inflation rate was just 5%, then that £10 item in year 1, would cost £15.51 by year 10.
So simple annual inflation rates do not show the true picture.
Of course this was a simple and theoretical example.
But a sustained greater inflation rate for country A, compared to country B has a long term effect.
It's just not that simple. (s'cuse the pun)